WatchGuard DNSWatch
Keeping End Users Safe from Phishing Attacks
Block Malicious DNS Connections & Protect Against Phishing Attacks
WatchGuard DNSWatch is a Cloud-based service adding DNS-level filtering to detect and block potentially dangerous connections and protect networks and employees from damaging attacks. WatchGuard analysts triage any critical alerts, following up with an easy-to-understand accounting that includes detailed insights about the potential infection. When the attack uses phishing, and an employee clicks the link, DNSWatch automatically redirects them away from the malicious site and offers resources that reinforce phishing education.

Key Features
- DNS-level detection, providing an additional layer of security to block malicious DNS requests
- Offers detailed information on the attacker, type of attack and attacker goals without requiring you to comb through logs
- Automatically protects end users from phishing attacks
- 100% Cloud-based, making it easy to deploy and manage, saving you time and money
- Provides immediate phishing education to heighten end user awareness after an attack
- Complements Reputation Enabled Defense and WebBlocker to block malicious threats

Effective DNS-Based Protection
Hackers rely on DNS to execute attacks on unsuspecting victims, so careful examination of DNS requests is a great way to find and ultimately intercept attacks! DNSWatch brings DNS-level filtering into our Total Security Suite, providing an added layer of security to stop malware infections. Unwitting attempts to connect to known malicious DNS addresses by your users are automatically blocked, and the user is seamlessly redirected to a safe landing page.
Low TCO Cloud Service
DNSWatch operates 100% from the Cloud, so there’s no software to maintain, or any hardware beyond the Firebox you are already using with Total Security Suite services. Requiring no client-side configuration makes deploying DNSWatch a breeze to set up and manage, saving even more time and money.

Tackle Phishing with Automated Training
Educating users is an IT admin’s last line of defense in protecting their organization, but it can be a challenge to provide timely training – and while the mistake is fresh in the user’s memory. DNSWatch increases an organization’s resilience to phishing by automating employee education. When a user clicks on a phishing message, they are redirected to an educational game that reinforces the warning signs of a phishing attack. By automatically delivering training at the time of the infraction, DNSWatch provides employee training while the mis-click is fresh in their mind and reduces risks to the organization from repeated mistakes.
Expert Guidance in Your Inbox
When attackers strike, they are kept engaged in the DNSWatch Blackhole so that we can learn more about them. Then we follow up with a report with the details about infections detected and blocked by the service. No need to spend hours combing through logs or researching an alert as it comes through – the analysis arrives right in your inbox for a unique, customer-specific service not found in other DNS filtering solutions. This service allows companies to quickly and easily react to address any potential risks…doing what others can only do with an army of security analysts.

Your First Line of Defense Against Threats
Combining DNSWatch with complementary services like our Reputation Enabled Defense (reputation lookup) service, WebBlocker content filtering, Gateway AntiVirus, and APT Blocker sandboxing, melds their protective capabilities to block malicious connections on all ports and protocols – including those used with phishing and spear-phishing attacks.
How It Works
WatchGuard DNSWatch monitors outbound DNS requests, correlating them against an aggregated list of malicious sites. Requests that are determined to be malicious are blocked, redirecting the user to a safe site to reinforce their phishing training.
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