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WatchGuard Firebox T10
Protect Where You Connect

WatchGuard Firebox T10

Wireless Model Available!

Sorry, this unit has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase, replace by Firebox T20, T20-W, T40, T40-W. If you currently own this Model, please click here to participate in the WatchGuard Trade-Up Program! You can also purchase available renewals below. End of Sale (EOS): 01 Apr 2020. End of Life (EOL) for the Firebox-T10 is 30 Jun 2023 - you will not be able receive support after this date even with a 1 Year contract.

Watchguard Trade Up Program

XGS Firewalls

Exclusive Promotions and Trade-Up Programs

Active promotions, including trade-up offers, Wi-Fi 6 upgrades, and loyalty programs. Limited-time discounts and free shipping.

Firebox Series License and Renewal Options

Technical support, firmware updates/upgrades, and hardware replacement will not be available after EoS.

View Firebox Series License & Renewal Options

Red for Red Loyalty TradeUp

Trade up to a new T or M Series Firebox with a 3-Year Total Security Suite and pay only for cost of service.

Competitive Trade In Program

Upgrade security with WatchGuard Competitive Trade In Program and trade any security product for a WatchGuard Firebox.

WatchGuard Firebox T Series Overview:

Rethink the Perimeter:

Ideal for small office/branch office and small retail environments, the Firebox T10, T30 and T50 create a secure network perimeter in remote locations that do not have adequate security protection in place today. Comprehensive Unified Threat Management (UTM) safeguards intellectual property and protects personal data, credit card numbers, and other critical assets from exposure and theft.

The Benefits of UTM:

An all-in-one network security solution integrates complete protection. All security capabilities work together for a comprehensive approach to network protection with a single console for reporting.

Pricing Notes:

WatchGuard Products
Remote Installation Service - Learn More
WatchGuard Remote Installation Service
Our Price: $595.00