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Protect Your Business with Total Identity Security and BlueAlly

Total Identity Security provides domanin credentials monitoring, proactive dark web exposure alerts, and password management to reduce issues related to identity theft while enabling users to create shared password vaults protected with MFA. Total Identity Security decreases credentials management costs, increased user adoption of identity protection, and mitigates the risk of potential phishing and social engineering attacks related to credential theft.

Business Challenges with Workforce Identities

  • 74% of data breaches involved a human element. People play the largest role in credential-related incidents. (2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR)

  • An average employee has 27 passwords to access. (2022 Multi-factor Authentication Statistics)

  • 55% of businesses will continue to support hybrid or remote work environments. (Gallup Poll Future State of Remote and Hybrid Work beyond 2022)

  • The re-use rates of passwords in the workplace is high at 61% and even worse among personal reuse rates where it increases to 73% in terms of password reuse. (2022 Multi-factor Authentication Statistics)

Challenges with Password-Only Authentication

Due to the widespread use of passwords, organizations continue to deal with password-only problems:

  • Static passwords that never change

  • Reuse of corporate passwords for personal use

  • Same password for everything

  • Compromised credentials for sale in the Dark Web

  • Weak and easy to crack passwords

  • Corporate applications without MFA support

Get Started with Total Identity Security

Reduce Password Management Overhead
A corporate password manager and vault can reduce the number of times a user will need to reset a forgotten password for individual Cloud applications, especially if they use the password generator feature.

Increase User Adoption of Identity Protection
Having to create, memorize and manage fewer passwords will dramatically imporve with the password generator and auto-filled credentials capabilities, which simplifies the login process to Cloud applications.

Mitigate Exposure Related to Weak, Reused, and Leaked Passwords
Visibility into behaviors such as weak, known, reused, and already leaked passwords will prompt users to remedy these issues before account takeover can occur.

Get started with Watchguard Total Identity Security today with BlueAlly

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Total Identity Security Infographic

The CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) includes single-factor authentication in their list of Cybersecurity Bad Practices.

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Total Identity Security Ebook

Why password security? If a hacker steals one password, they could access your entire network. This can lead to spreading malware and financial loss.

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Top Reasons to Buy WatchGuard Identity Security

AuthPoint identity security solutions include multi-factor authentication (MFA), advanced password generation capabilities, and secure password vaults.

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AuthPoint Total Identity Security

Multi-factor Authentication and Credentials Management protect against attacks using compromised passwords.

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Elevate Your Identity Security

Contact us today to enhance your identity security with BlueAlly's Total Identity Security solutions.

Take the next steps and put the power of identity protection to work for you.