74% of 2022 breaches involved the human element, including stolen credentials, according to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report.2

How Should You Respond?
Cybersecurity authorities from the US, New Zealand, Canada, the Netherlands and UK say that "hardening credentials" with the use of MFA and strong password policies are best practices against the growth of cyberattacks.3

Five Questions That Help You Choose the
Right Identity Security Solution
Does the MFA solution use SMS-based verification as the primary or default authentication option?
SMS-based verification is less secure than other methods because it is vulnerable to hijacking.
Does it support offline authentication?
Employees need to access their laptops without an Internet connection - while on airplanes and when connecting to hotel or public Wi-Fi or when an Internet connection is spotty – and offline authentication is required.
Does it provide secure web single sign-on (SSO)?
Web single sign-on not only makes the solution easier, but also makes it more secure. Web SSO enables your company to deploy many different Cloud applications, while users only sign in once to access them, for fewer passwords, resets, helpdesk calls and happier employees.
Does it include credentials management tools, like a password manager and dark web monitoring?
With wide adoption of passwords rooted in 20+ years of systems and application development, passwords are here to stay…and they are one of the factors in MFA. Credentials management services enhance security with tools to boost protection against the inherent risks from poor password handling.
How much does the solution cost?
Free and low-cost consumer-grade products can be tempting, and pricing can be obscured in large software OS packages, so it’s important to evaluate direct and indirect costs to see the full picture. Is support included – both technical support and subscription management support? Is there extra software you will need to license? Do you have a management interface that allows for corporate administration, reporting and visibility, or are you burdening your IT security team with added steps and costs? Are helpdesk costs increasing with usability shortfalls?
Get Started Today withAuthPoint Total Identity Security
from WatchGuard

- Corporate Password Manager
- Dark Web Monitor
- Multi-Factor Authentication
Find The Resource You Need
1 https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/bad-practices-0
2 https://www.verizon.com/business/resources/reports/dbir/
3 https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa22-137a
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